Jokowi Reminds 3 M Health Protocol Again, Asking For Standardization Of Masks

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) reminded the public to comply with health protocols to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Health protocols are the main key to preventing COVID-19.

"The president again reminded us that the key to the COVID-19 pandemic is in the upstream, namely 3 billion people wearing masks, washing hands, maintaining distance", said Chairman of the Committee for Handling COVID-19 and National Economic Recovery (KPCPEN) Airlangga Hartarto, Wednesday, February 3.

Community discipline to comply with health protocols will be carried out with a micro approach, namely villages, neighborhood association (RT) / citizens association (RW).

In addition, in a closed meeting with KPCPEN, Jokowi instructed the standardization of masks to be made.

"For masks, the president asked that there be a standard, so that the masks that people use meet health standards, so of course the masks will also be effectively used", continued Airlangga who is also the Coordinating Minister for the Economy.

The plan is for President Jokowi to issue a Presidential Instruction regarding the application to protect. This application helps to track people who have been exposed to COVID-19.

"Regarding digital tracing, which is a protected program, Mr. President will prepare a Presidential Instruction, Inpres, so that this protection program can be used, so that it can effectively control those who are digitally exposed so that movements can be traced, and those who can potential associated with transmission. The Ministry of Health will add more officers who will do tracing in the field and this will involve community security and order development in the village (Babinsan and Bhabinkamtibmas)", explained Airlangga.