What Is Reiki Treatment? Check Out Understanding And Its Benefits For Health

YOGYAKARTA One of the complementary treatments that many people do to help overcome health problems is reiki therapy, an alternative treatment that uses energy flow as a healing medium. This therapy is believed to have many benefits, ranging from easing pain, reducing stress, to supporting cancer treatment. So, what is reiki treatment? Check out the full information below.

Adapted from the Cancer Research UK page, Reiki is a Japanese healing art developed by Mikao Usui in the early 20th century. It's said 'ray-key', but you may hear it as Reiki.

In Japanese, the word Rei-ki means universal energy. The Eastern treatment system works with this energy, which they believe flows through all living things and is very important for welfare.

In Japan, the energy flow is known as 'Ki', 'Chi' in China, and 'prana' in India. Reiki is not part of any religion or belief system.

A reiki practitioner places his hands on or near the patient's dressed body. One of the main goals is to help the patient relax and balance the 'energy sedan' in and around the patient's body.

Quoted from the Yankes page of the Ministry of Health, Reiki therapy is usually carried out as complementary therapy, especially in developed countries such as America, along with other therapies such as medical therapy, aromatherapy, herbal medicine, sodium, as well as psychotherapy.

Reiki can be applied to yourself called Self Reiki which is useful in people who have health problems, people with low motivation or people with stressful jobs.

The Benefits Of Reiki Treatment

Reiki treatment is claimed to have many benefits, including:

That's information about what Reiki's treatment is. Hopefully this article will add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.