Good News! Angkas For The Healing Of COVID-19 Patients Up 22.6 Percent, Most Java Island

JAKARTA - The cure rate for COVID-19 patients has increased compared to the previous week. As of January 31 or this week, the number of recovered patients increased to 22.6 percent.

"This week we managed to improve recovery significantly, namely up 22.6 percent compared to the previous week and this is good news," said Wiku Adisasmito, spokesman for the COVID-19 Task Force (Task Force) in an online press conference broadcast on the account. YouTube Presidential Secretariat, Tuesday, February 2.

"And this is good news because recovery in Indonesia has increased for eight consecutive weeks," he added.

The most additional COVID-19 patients came from West Java Province. A total of 14,934 patients have recovered this week compared to the previous week of 11,316 people.

Then Banten contributed 3,549 recovered patients compared to last week's 558 people and Central Java there were 7,166 recovered patients compared to last week's 5,007 people.

Next in North Kalimantan, there were 2,020 patients recovered compared to last week's number of 78 people. "Then the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY), there are 2,351 patients recovered this week from 1,466 in the previous week," he explained.

Wiku said, the high cure rate for COVID-19 patients was a reflection of the discipline of people without symptoms (OTG) and those with mild symptoms to carry out independent isolation. In addition, this figure also shows the hard work of health workers in treating positive patients with moderate and severe symptoms of COVID-19.

"However, as I said before, it is still our common homework to improve healing in the elderly and vulnerable groups," he said.

So, he asked vulnerable groups who have comorbid diseases or elderly groups to immediately report themselves to health facilities if they feel exposed to COVID-19. This must be done so that these two groups receive immediate treatment and it is not too late to get help.

"That way, we can increase the rate of recovery more significantly," he said.

"I also remind you that the recovery rate is still lower than the increase in deaths this week. Therefore, please do not be complacent with this condition and continue to make the best efforts to improve healing," he concluded.