The Reporter Hopes That Oklin Fia Will Be Charged With Pornoaction And Blasphemy Of Religion So That There Will Be A Deterrent Effect
JAKARTA - The case of reporting on the Oklin Fia program is still ongoing at the Central Jakarta Metro Police Headquarters. After the report was made, the Executive Board of the Indonesian Muslim Student Union (PB SMMI) hoped that the police would apply the suspicion of articles on blasphemy against religion and pornography against Oklin Fia.
"We hope that the articles of blasphemy and pornography can be applied to the Oklin case. Because in the meantime, investigators have only received our report with articles of violating decency," said the Head of Legal and Human Rights Division of PB SEMMI, Arisastra Desert, when confirmed by VOI, Friday, August 18.
The Desert said that PB SEMMI had been examined as a reporter on Wednesday, August 16.
"Then we got the information, after I was examined, then Oklin will be examined. But the rest please ask the investigators," he said.
The desert appreciates the swift response from the Central Jakarta Metro Police. However, he hopes that the police will immediately provide layered articles to the reported party as a deterrent effect.
"The response for law enforcement services is good," he said.
Today, PB SEMMI conducted hearings and direct complaints to the Syar'i Syarikat Islamic Council and the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) on Friday, August 18.
The PB SEMMI complaint to the Syar'i Syarikat Islamic Council and MUI is an effort to strengthen experts to ensnare the Oklin Fia celebrity with a maximum penalty for alleged blasphemy.