About 30 Ships At Jongor Tegal Harbor Caught Fire Last Night, Ganjar Sends Help

SEMARANG - The Central Java Provincial Government (Pemprov) sent a team to help deal with the ship fire that occurred on Monday, August 14 evening at Jongor Port, Tegal City."Until this morning the Mayor of Tegal continues to update, we have also dispatched a team from the Central Java Provincial Government to the field. There were no casualties in the disaster," said Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo in Semarang, Antara, Tuesday, August 15.Ganjar has asked Tegal Mayor Dedy Yon Supriyono to record ship owners affected by the fire at Jongor Port."I also ask the Mayor of Tegal to collect data, including checking whether the ship that caught fire was insured. Otherwise, we will provide assistance," he said.Ganjar said it was necessary to evaluate port management after several fires occurred in the port environment in the Central Java area."In some of our ports, if we don't arrange the parking model for the ship, this kind of potential will happen. So we ask port managers to arrange it so that if a disaster occurs, it can be anticipated," he said.Police are still investigating the cause of the burning of fishing boats that docked at Jongor Harbor in Tegal City on Monday night.
According to the Head of Public Relations of the Central Java Police, Kombes Satake Bayu Setianto, there were at least 30 ships on fire.