ASEAN Is Asked To Send High Level Delegation Regarding The Myanmar Military Coup

JAKARTA - ASEAN was asked to immediately send a high delegation to Myanmar to discuss the coup issue carried out by the Myanmar military on Monday, February 1 yesterday.

ASEAN as a forum for countries in Southeast Asia must immediately take a role to reduce and mediate what is happening in Myanmar at this time. The provision is the ASEAN Charter.

"It is important to immediately send a high-level ASEAN delegation to Myanmar at this time regarding the current situation to return to the spirit of the ASEAN Charter. If you don't want to, Myanmar can be expelled from ASEAN", said the Chair of the ASEAN Parliamentarians for Human Rights (APHR) who is also a member of the Malaysian Parliament Charles Santiago in the webinar held on Tuesday 2 February.

He added that the appeal conveyed by ASEAN and Indonesia so that the Myanmar military returned to the spirit of the ASEAN Charter was a wise choice as an alternative way out of the current situation.

Previously, regarding the allegations of fraud in the 8 November 2020 Election, he asked the Myanmar military to respect the election results and listen to the voices of the Myanmar people. The military itself used allegations of fraud in the election which the National League for Democracy (NLD) won absolutely with 346 votes.

"The people of Myanmar are entitled to their vote in the elections last November. The military must respect the people's", he said.

Indonesia through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs through the page appealed to the Myanmar military to use the principles in the ASEAN Charter.

"Indonesia calls on the use of the principles contained in the ASEAN Charter, including a commitment to the law, good governance, democratic principles, and constitutional governance".

Previously, the Myanmar military took over power in the country, after carrying out the arrests of Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi, Myanmar President Win Myint, and a number of other figures. The military handed over power to Senior General Min Aung Hlaing who later appointed Myint Swe, Myanmar's first vice president as the Presidential Official