Cannot Confirm When The Emission Test Ticket Is Implemented, DKI Provincial Government: Needs Readiness Of Various Agencies

JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government and Polda Metro Jaya plan to apply fines for motorized vehicles that have not or did not pass the emission test in the capital city.

However, the Head of the DKI Jakarta Environmental Agency, Asep Kuswanto, admitted that he could not confirm when this emission test ticket would be implemented. This is because preparations for implementation in the field need to be done carefully.

"Indeed, if the problem is, what is certain is that the application of fines requires readiness from various agencies, including the Regional Police, the Department of Environment, and then also from the Transportation Service," said Asep after the FGD regarding Air Repair Efforts from the Transportation Sector at the Directorate General of PPKL KLHK office, Jakarta, Friday, August 11.

Currently, the DKI Provincial Government and Polda Metro Jaya are investigating the needs of the facilities needed to enforce an emission test ticket to be included in each Patuh Jaya Operation.

"We will indeed intensify these coordinations in the future, including how the pattern was agreed, how many resources, and so on. Hopefully, this can accelerate the party from Polda Metro Jaya," explained Asep.

What is clear, Asep said that the emission test ticket will definitely be applied before next year.

"It should be this year. The moon has not been confirmed," he said.

Along with this, the DKI Provincial Government and the police will form a task force to conduct raids and impose sanctions on motorized vehicle owners who have not carried out emission tests.

Asep emphasized the need for concrete steps so that Jakarta residents who have motorized vehicles to carry out massive emission tests.

"We will discuss the mechanism for establishing a task force with the Korlantas Polri, Polda Metro Jaya and Dishub to accelerate the control of moving emission sources," said Asep.

Asep hopes that later the emission test system owned by DLH can be directly connected to the Polri's electronic ticketing system.

"We will marry our emission test data with the National Police's ETLE. So that later it will be found out that if he gets a ticket, he has not tested the emission, so the sanctions are double," said Asep.