Bringing A Suitcase To Bareskrim, A Sign That Abu Jada Is A Suspect?
JAKARTA - Social media activist Permadi Arya alias Abu Janda has completed an investigation regarding cases of hate speech and blasphemy. He seemed to give a signal that he was ready to be named a suspect in the case because he was carrying a bag filled with clothes. He also said he was ready to be detained by the police for this case. "I am ready whatever happens. I am ready to be arrested," said Abu Janda at the Police Criminal Investigation Unit, Monday, February 1. However, after being questioned, the police allowed him to return home. Furthermore, he will have a follow-up examination in the next few days. "I am still preparing for it today. It turns out that I am still being examined as a witness," said Abu Janda. The widow was asked to explain for about 12 hours. Dozens of questions were asked by the investigator to get information about the case. "I was examined for 12 hours. The questions were 50 questions, definitely more," he said. Of the dozens of questions asked by investigators, said Abu Janda, more were about the intent and purpose of the tweets on social media. Abu Janda's Twitter account @ permadiaktivis1 is considered problematic. At that time he wrote that Islam was called arrogant because it had trampled on local wisdom. 'Islam is indeed the religion of immigrants from Arabic, the original Indonesian religion is Sundanese Wiwitan, Kaharingan etc. And it is arrogant, it forbids the original tradition, the rituals of people being dissolved using apostasy kebayas, the wayang kulit is forbidden. If you don't want to be called arrogant, don't trample local wisdom @ awemany'To investigators, Abu Janda explained the tweet in response to Teuku Zulkarnain, who alluded to you as a minority. "When I said arrogant, I responded to Tengku Zul's provocative tweet saying that minorities in the country this is arrogant to the majority. That's where the arrogant word comes out, "he said." And then when I said Islam as a country that came from Arabia I addressed Ustad Tengku Zul, "continued Abu Janda.
He said, the tweet went viral and there was a misunderstanding. This is because his statement was not accompanied by Teuku Zulkarnain's tweets.
Abu Janda emphasized that he did not at all intend to corner the religion of Islam. "It is not that I generalize all of Islam. But what I show to ustadz Tengku Zul I mean the sect of Islam is ustad Tengku Zul," he said. For this case, the police are sufficient for the investigation. Furthermore, Abu Janda is scheduled to be investigated regarding hate speech to Natalius Pigai, on Thursday, February 4. "(Hate speech examination) This is for the next summons on Thursday," he said. The widow was reluctant to comment much when asked about the case. He only said that he was ready to fulfill the summons to undergo an examination of the case. "I am ready to take responsibility even though it is a misunderstanding but I am ready to take the risk," he said. This case began when Abu Janda tweeted on his Twitter account, on 2 January. At that time, he commented on the debate between Pigai and Hendropriyono. "The capacity of General Hendropriyono: Former Head of BIN, Former Director of BAIS, Former Minister of Transmigration, Professor of Intelligence Philosophy, Served in various military operations. You Natalius Pigai, what is your capacity? haven't you? " wrote Abu Janda. Until finally, Abu Janda was reported to Bareskrim Polri with Article 45 paragraph (3) Jo article 27 paragraph (3) and / or article 45 A paragraph (2) Jo article 25 paragraph (2) and / or the Law number 19 of 2016 concerning Amendments to Law Number 11 of 2006 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions, Hatred or Enmity for Individuals and / or Intergroups (SARA), Article 310 and / or Article 311 of the Criminal Code.