Even Though They Have Made Peace, The Legal Process For Lampung DPRD Members To Hit A Boy To Death Is Still Continued

BANDAR LAMPUNG - Although there has been a peace agreement between the parents of the victim and the perpetrator, the Bandar Lampung Police Traffic Unit (Sat Lalu) continues to process the law on the case of a member of the Lampung Provincial DPRD, Okta Rijaya, who hit a 5-year-old boy to death.

Investigators from the Traffic Accident Unit (Lakalantas Unit) of the Bandar Lampung Traffic Police Traffic Unit will continue the legal process for the death of Muli Aisyah Inara due to being hit by a car by a member of the Lampung Provincial DPRD on Tuesday night.

The police continue the legal process of the traffic accident case even though both parties have agreed to make peace and the victim's parents have withdrawn the report.

The legal process for the death of the victim as a result of being hit by a car, a member of the Lampung DPRD, continues because the investigation and investigation of the case is a Model A Police Report, namely a police report made by members of the National Police who experienced, knew or found firsthand what happened.

Head of Traffic at the Bandar Lampung Police, Kompol Ikhwan Syukri, emphasized that the case would continue according to the rules and his party had also conducted a case title in the traffic accident case.

"Today, we are holding a case again and the result is that there are several pieces of evidence that we need to complete again. So for what the results are, we will inform you later," said Kompol Ikhwan Syukri, Monday, August 7.

Regarding the peace agreement between the victim's family and the perpetrator, Kompol Ikhwan Syukri revealed that his party had not received a peace report because the traffic accident report was a Model A Police Report.

"Regarding this peace, we have not received the report until now, so we as law enforcers in the field of traffic will certainly carry out investigative tasks according to the rules," said Kompol Ikhwan Syukri.

Ikhwan Syukri explained that although the legal process continued, until now there has been no determination as a suspect in the case.

"Not yet, please be patient because there are still several stages that still need to be completed," he explained.

If in the investigation process it is proven guilty, Okta Rijaya, a member of the Lampung DPRD, will be subject to Article 310 paragraph (4) of the Traffic Law, where every person using a motorized vehicle causes another person to die. The threat of this article is a maximum imprisonment of 6 years and/or a maximum fine of IDR 12 million.

As previously reported, 5-year-old Muli Aisyah Inara, a 5-year-old girl, died after being hit by a member of the Lampung Provincial DPRD on Jalan Antara, Sukajawa Village, Tanjung Karang Barat, Bandar Lampung on Tuesday (1/8/2023) at around 19.45 WIB.

At that time, a member of the Lambung DPRD named Okta Rijaya (47 years old) was driving a white Fortuner with police number BE 1238 AAA.

Okta Rijaya allegedly did not focus on driving his car so he hit the victim because he did not see the victim playing cooking around his parents' stall.

After being hit, the victim's body was dragged 3 meters and then run over by the car of the Lampung DPRD member. The victim was rushed to the Abdul Moeloek Regional General Hospital (RSUD), Bandar Lampung but his life could not be saved.