The Fathers Of The Perpetrators Of The Suang Boolong Robbery In Cibaduyut Park Bandung Were Arrested By The Police

The Bandung Police Team arrested two robbers who acted in the Cibaduyut Indah (TCI) Park complex. One of the perpetrators of the robbery was shot by the police.

"When arrested, one of the perpetrators with the initials JI, who was a recidivist, fought back. Therefore, officers took firm action and measuredly shot in the leg," said Bandung Police Chief Kombes Kusworo Wibowo, quoted by ANTARA, Monday, August 7.

The two perpetrators, father and son, robbed a motorbike belonging to a motorist passing through TCI.

"The victim who knew the perpetrator was following him finally stopped, the perpetrator also turned off his motorbike and finally there was a dispute so that the victim's motorbike fell. The perpetrator tried to take the victim's motorbike, but the victim fought back until finally the perpetrator failed to take the motorbike and could only steal the cellphone, and both of them immediately fled," said Kombes Kusworo.

After receiving a report from the victim, the police immediately conducted an investigation to arrest the perpetrator.

The reckless action in broad daylight was in the state of the two of them being drunk, because the son asked his father to buy a motorbike.

"The child and his father drink alcohol first, after being drunk the child asks to buy a motorbike to his father. Then the father invites the child to follow him, be invited to walk with his father, then meet the victim, so that his parents spontaneously react to seize the victim's motorbike," he said.

For their actions, the two perpetrators of the robbery in broad daylight were charged with Article 365 of the Criminal Code concerning theft with violence, with the threat of a sentence of nine years in prison.