Welcoming The Islamic New Year, Habib Husein Ja'far Al Hadar Enlivens The Hijri Festival In Solo

SOLO- One of the preachers in Indonesia Habib Husein Ja'far Al Hadar is scheduled to enliven the Hijri Festival at the Sritex Arena Solo Sports Hall, Saturday 5 August.The chairman of the Bayu event committee Hermawan in Solo, Saturday, said the event was held in a number of cities. This time, he said, Solo is the 7th city to host the event."Solo is the 7th city of our series. There is something special this time because we are holding it at the Sports Hall, so the number of spectators will be more," he said.He said the move was taken to anticipate the large number of spectators considering that from previous locations the number of spectators was always large."Animo people are getting bigger from city to city. Even in Semarang yesterday we also provided a viewing together by providing two big screens," he said.Another committee, Elba Damhuri, said the event was held to welcome the Islamic New Year. According to him, there is a philosophical meaning of the celebration that humans must be better and get to know each other better.
At the event in collaboration with the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Chinese Committee, his party also invited the art culture of the Xinjiang Muslim performing arts."This place has been a silk route for trade centers for a long time. This region has been flanked by eight countries with various cultures. Islamic culture in Xinjiang is very varied, rich, and even homes of dance and song houses," he said.Meanwhile, he said, the messages conveyed at the event would vary in nature."What is certain is that we do not badmouth any party, convey positive things. Although there are differences, we want to convey a positive message," he said.