President Biden: Unreliable Vendor Huawei

JAKARTA - After the change of President of the United States (US) from Trump to Biden, Huawei seems to have received a new hope. Biden said that the US would review Trump's blocking of Huawei.

Apparently, Huawei could not breathe a sigh of relief because a few days later Biden eliminated the Chinese technology giant's hopes. Biden said that Huawei was an "untrusted vendor". Biden seemed to confirm Trump's decision to say that Huwei threatened the stability of the security of the United States.

"Telecommunications equipment made by untrusted vendors, including Huawei, is a threat to the security of the US and our allies," said White House spokesman Jen Psaki as quoted by Reuters, Monday, February 1.

"The government will ensure that US telecommunications companies will only invest and expand production of their equipment from trusted partner vendors," added Psaki.

Regarding this statement, Huawei declined to comment. The Chinese ambassador to Washington did not immediately respond to the White House statement.

This proves that Huawei is not yet free from US restraint. Automatically, Huawei will still fill the black list of the current US government.

As is well known, the US administration at the time of Trump has blacklisted this technology giant from China. This policy limits Huawei in the global business environment. This is because Huawei can no longer sell its products or buy components from US manufacturers.

At that time, the US accused the Chinese technology giant of cooperating with Iran. Not only that, Huawei is also considered to be carrying out espionage through its devices until it is suspected of endangering national security.

Now, during the Biden administration, the US seems to be justifying Trump's decision. Therefore, the US insists on protecting its technology companies from using Huawei components.

However, the US is still closely studying the US decision on the Chinese tech giant they are watching. The US is trying to find the truth regarding the Huawei case which is accused of misusing US user data.

"So once again, we will conduct a further review regarding this issue. We want to look at it carefully and we are committed to ensuring US data and technology is properly protected, ”added Psaki.