Danlanal Batuporon Apologizes For The Case Of Persecution Of Journalists
PAMEKASAN - Commander of Batuporon Naval Base Lieutenant Colonel Imam Ibnu Hajar apologized for the persecution case by four members of the Indonesian Navy to reporters named Erfandi at the Kaliangget Port Post on July 29, 2023.
"On behalf of Marine Lieutenant Colonel Imam Ibnu Hajar as Commander of the Indonesian Navy, I sincerely apologize to fellow journalists for the incident that happened to Erfandi," he said in a video statement recording reported by ANTARA, Thursday, August 3.
When delivering the apology, Imam Ibnu Hajar was accompanied by reporters who were victims of persecution, Erfandi, and the victim's legal adviser, Sulaisi Abdurrazak.
Apart from apologizing, Danlanal Imam Ibnu Hajar also promised to fulfill the demands of the victim and the victim's lawyer, namely to transfer the four members of the Indonesian Navy who abused the journalist Erfandi.
"We will also fulfill the demand to transfer out of Madura," said Imam as a release delivered through the 1 minute 19 second video recording.
He expressed his gratitude to the Commander of the 0827 Sumenep Kodim Lt. Col. Czi Donny Pramudya Mahard for assisting in mediating the case between the Indonesian Navy and Sumenep journalists.
The demand to mutate the four members of the Indonesian Navy who served in Kalianget, Sumenep and abuse Sumenep journalists was one of the three points the victim made during the media.
Other demands asked the four Indonesian Navy personnel who were the abuse of journalists to apologize publicly and meet face to face with the victims, as well as process their laws in accordance with the provisions in military institutions.
"However, the direct apology by the four Indonesian Navy personnel cannot be done because they are no longer in Sumenep after being withdrawn by the unit to Batuporon to be punished. An apology by Danlanal Batuporon Lt. Col. Imam Ibnu Hajar in the video also represents the four members," said law adviser Erfandi, Sulaisi Abdurrazak, contacted per call from Pamekasan, Thursday night.
The former chairman of the Pamekasan branch of the Islamic Student Association (HMI) also appreciated the good intentions and firmness of Danlanal Batuporon to immediately overcome the persecution case in Sumenep.
Previously, an online media journalist named Erfandi was beaten until he was slammed, dragged, and then confiscated items such as wallets and cell phones, and forced to creep on the ground.
The reason is that the journalist wants to cover, hoping to interview with speakers regarding a three-wheeled motorcycle that transports fuel out of a gas station in Kalianget to Kalimanget Harbor.
The incident occurred on Saturday, July 29, 2023, at around 22.00 WIB at the Kaliangget Port Security Post, continuing into a room near the pier commonly used by the Maritime Security Patrol (Patkamla).
"At that time, I had not had time to interview, and only asked the security guard who was on guard at the port post regarding the three-wheeled fuel being transported. He said the fuel belonged to the Indonesian Navy," said Erfandi.
Shortly thereafter, the guard post officer called three people, then without further ado beat Erfandi. There is no interview. There is no time to explain.
The incident was caught on video with a duration of 1:26:22 (1 hour 26 minutes 22 seconds). One of the faces of the perpetrators looks quite bright. Likewise, the look of the gun bearer to Erfandi.
"I hope what I'm experiencing is the last. Hopefully no more journalists will become victims of violence like what I'm experiencing," he said.