Who Wants To Go Around The DPR Complex Using A Bicycle And Can Get A Gift?

JAKARTA - The House of Representatives held a cycling and running sporting event this weekend to welcome the session of Parliament in Southeast Asia or the 44th ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA). Holding the chairmanship of AIPA in 2023, the House of Representatives serves as the host of this year's ASEAN parliamentary forum general assembly.

The sports activities held by the DPR will be held on Friday, July 28. The event entitled 'Fun Run and Ride Road to the 44th AIPA' is open to the public and will be held in the Parliament Complex area, Senayan, Jakarta.

"To welcome the 44th AIPA General Assembly, the Indonesian House of Representatives held a relaxed sporting event. We invite the public to participate in this activity as a form of participation to enliven the prestigious event in ASEAN where Indonesia acts as a hosting event," said Deputy Chairman of the House of Representatives' Inter-Parliamentary Cooperation Agency (BKSAP), Gilang Dhielafararez, Tuesday, July 25.

For people who want to participate in sports activities, they can register through the BKSAP DPR RI Instagram account @bksap or the @biro.ksapdpr account. This event is a collaboration between the BKSAP and the Secretariat General (Setjen) of the DPR RI.

In the event later, participants will take part in activities with starting points and finishing starting from the front of the Nusantara III Building and then going around the parliament complex area. The Indonesian House of Representatives has prepared door prizes and a variety of attractive prizes to enliven the event.

Gilang said the Indonesian House of Representatives made the 'Fun Run and Ride Road to the 44th AIPA' event as a means to socialize the 44th AIPA Session activities which will be attended by parliamentary representatives of ASEAN countries and delegates from various international organizations.

"In addition to the socialization of the AIPA Session, the DPR RI chose to hold a sports event because of our commitment to the success of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) targets, which are the world's agenda, especially in the target and strategy of developing a green economy," he said.

A number of issues became the main focus of the DPR RI in this year's AIPA General Session, one of which was related to efforts to encourage the creation of regional stability as the main factor in supporting economic growth.

The Indonesian House of Representatives also encourages the implementation of the 5 Point Consensus related to the crisis in Myanmar and optimizes the role of other agendas in the economic sector. The role of Parliament in encouraging the acceleration of the green transition for ASEAN countries has also become the focus of the DPR agenda at the AIPA General Assembly this time.

The last big issue that the Indonesian House of Representatives will bring to the 44th AIPA Session is about preparing Human Resources (HR) to support Green Jobs as one of the pillars of the green economy.

Gilang revealed that the Indonesian House of Representatives had held a number of activities ahead of the 44th AIPA General Assembly, such as the AIPA-ASEAN Preparatory Meeting which was held in Labuan Bajo, NTT, to support Indonesia's Chairmanship at the 42nd ASEAN Summit.

The DPR has also held the 6th Session of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly Advisory Council on Dangerous Drugs (AIPACODD) or the Advisory Board of the Association between ASEAN Parliaments related to Dangerous Drugs which took place on 30-31 May 2023 in Bogor, West Java.

There are 500 participants who will attend the AIPA General Assembly, including delegates from 10 ASEAN countries. In addition, representatives from 20 observer countries, and representatives from 12 international organizations.

To note, AIPA was born from the wishes of MPs for ASEAN member countries in an effort to foster mutual understanding in helping and encouraging the realization of closer cooperation. Including to bridge the solving of problems that occur in ASEAN countries.

AIPA was previously named the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Organization (AIPO). The formation of AIPA was an initiative of Indonesia in the early 1970s driven by the progress made by Southeast Asia.

At that time, the Indonesian House of Representatives conveyed the idea to form an organization consisting of ASEAN member parliaments which in the early 1970s only consisted of Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand. The idea of Indonesia received a positive response.

AIPO was officially formed as the official organization between ASEAN member countries through the signing of the Statutes of AIPO by Delegation Chairs on September 2, 1977. The first AIPO General Assembly was held on September 26-28, 1978 in Singapore, which was then held once a year in turns in AIPO countries according to alphabetical order.

At the 27th AIPO General Assembly in 2006 in Cebu City, Philippines, the AIPO Statute was officially amended into the AIPA Statute. This is an agreement of member countries to transform AIPO into an institution that is more effective and integrated with the name ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly.