Criticism Of The Termination Requirements For The 2024 Presidential And Vice Presidential Candidates, LaNyalla: Must Have Integrity, Morality And Intellectuality

The requirements to become a Presidential Candidate (Capres) and Vice Presidential Candidate (Cawapres) in the 2024 General Election received the spotlight from the Chairman of the DPD RI, AA LaNyalla Mahmud Mattalitti. According to LaNyalla, the requirements should not only be as stated in Article 169 of Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections alone.

"The most important thing is that as the main requirements, Presidential Candidates and Vice Presidential Candidates must have qualified morality, intellectuality and integrity with clear parameters and track records," said LaNyalla on the sidelines of his recess activities in East Java, Tuesday, July 25.

In the context of morality, the Senator from East Java believes that a leader must have a clean moral ethics, care for the people, have no trace of enriching himself from a sumurable source, and not come into contact with the practice of corruption, collusion and Nepotism (KKN).

"This is important. Because this country is based on One Godhead. So that morality in a broad sense, including the perspective of religiousism, is an important part, in addition to integrity and intellectuality, especially for wisdom towards the goals and ideals of this nation and state," said LaNyalla.

Regarding intellectuality, LaNyalla assessed that it was not just a vision and mission and work program that was used as a benchmark. A leader must have intelligence, skills and have a comprehensive concept about Indonesia. One of them, he said, knows the direction and purpose of this nation and state as the noble ideals of the nation's founders.

"Not without the goals of this nation and state to be established. All are enshrined in the Opening of the 1945 Constitution. That must be our parameters and guidelines in determining the nation's leader in the future," said LaNyalla.

Therefore, the post-reform Indonesian state system continues to receive serious attention from this DPD member from East Java. Which is indeed offering the idea of returning to the state system according to the formation of the nation's founders.

We already have the best system, which unfortunately has never been implemented properly in the Old Order and New Order era. But it's not that we are strengthening and perfecting it, but instead we are adopting a new, liberal system. As a result, we are now watching it, this country is like it belongs to those people. Even though it should be people led by wisdom. But the fact is it becomes a populist who is led by that person," said LaNyalla.

It is said that the presidential screening system, which is canalized to the door of a political party, with a presidential threshold that forces the party coalition to pull out, has forced the people to choose a figure that is not necessarily a non-partisan people.

Especially with the direct presidential election, the test stone is popularity that can be fabricated through the media. Not to mention the electability that is framed through the survey institute. Then the buzzer resonance on social media. This is just engineering, it's the same as polishing the powder," he explained.

It's time for us to think more clearly, for the future improvement of Indonesia. We build collective awareness, he said. "So that this nation places people's sovereignty again in the right and measurable places, in accordance with the characteristics of the nation and the noble thoughts of founding fathers," he concluded.