This Is President Jokowi's Message To The Indonesian Prosecutor's Office On Bhakti Adhyaksa Day

JAKARTA - Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) in the 63rd commemoration of Bhakti Adhyaksa Day, Saturday, emphasized that the role of prosecutors to maintain and return state assets is very important.

"The role of prosecutors as state lawyers is also very important to protect the interests of the state, prevent misuse of state finances, maintain and return state assets," said President Jokowi in his mandate when he was Inspector of the 63rd Commemoration Ceremony of Bhakti Adhyaksa Day as quoted by Antara in Jakarta, Saturday.

President Jokowi also said that the role of prosecutors was also needed in resolving state land disputes and international trade disputes. Therefore, Jokowi appreciates the steps taken by the Prosecutor's Office which has returned significant amounts of state losses in recent years.

Jokowi hopes that the Prosecutor's Office will be able to continue to improve its performance so that it will gain higher public trust.

According to Jokowi, the level of public trust in the Prosecutor's Office in July 2023 has increased to 81.2 percent compared to August 2022 which was 75.3 percent, according to the results of one of the survey institutions.

The Head of State asked the Adhyaksa Corps to continue to improve services to the community and continue to mobilize reforms at all aspects and levels.

"Increase the quality of Human Resources (HR) through the recruitment of selective prosecutors through intensive training, increase the ethical standards of professionalism and the integrity of prosecutors," he said.

President Jokowi congratulated Bhakti Adhyaksa Day.

"Congratulations on upholding the law, congratulations on upholding justice, congratulations on fighting for the benefit of the people and the country. The Attorney General's Office of the Republic of Indonesia is Dirgahayu," said President Jokowi.