ASN Bandar Lampung City Government Fake Documents To Smooth PPDB High School, Inspectorate Summons 2 People With Certificates
The Bandar Lampung City Inspectorate summoned two people for questioning regarding the case of falsification of population documents to smooth the acceptance of new students (PPDB) for the (SMA) level.
"The two people we summoned were not state civil servants (ASN) within the Bandar Lampung City Government (Pemerintah Kota)," said Bandarlampung City Inspector Robi Suliska, in Bandar Lampung, Friday, July 21, as reported by Antara.
He said that the summons of two people today or other parties was allegedly involved in falsifying population documents by an ASN in Bandar Lampung City to smooth out the PPDB MSA.
"We are continuing to investigate cases of document falsification for PPDB carried out by members of the Bandar Lampung City ASN (Pemkot)," he said.
Head of the Regional Personnel Agency (BKD) of Bandar Lampung City, Herliwaty, said that currently his party is still waiting for the results of the inspection from the inspectorate.
"I also don't know clearly. It's still under investigation. What is the truth, I don't know either," he said.
He also said that the BKD would immediately follow up on the results of the Bandarlampung City Inspectorate examination when the recommendations had reached his side.
"We will execute what the results of the examination are. What was violated by the person concerned. Later we will break the results (to KASN)," he said.