Ministry Of Industry Revitalizes IKM Centers For Genjot Exports Of Lada In Bangka

The Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) has revitalized the Lada small and medium industrial center (IKM) building in the Bangka Regency, Bangka Belitung Islands.

This is to support the increase in exports and added value of these leading spice commodities.

"To support the increase in the export of processed spices and spices, we are actively promoting the improvement of technology and production infrastructure through the Physical Special Allocation Fund for Small and Medium Industries (Physical DAK for IKM). One of them is by revitalizing the IKM Lada center in Sungai Lik, Bangka Regency, so that the competitiveness of IKM pepper processing continues to increase," said Director General of Small, Medium and Multifarious Industries (IKMA) of the Ministry of Industry, Reni Yanita in her statement in Jakarta, quoted Friday, July 21.

So far, Bangka Island is known as a high-quality white pepper producing area.

With high rainfall, distinctive soil nutrients, and good solar intensity, Bangka Island produces Muntok's white pepper with a unique taste.

This commodity has also been registered in the Geographical Indication protection system which is expected to provide its own value for the white pepper commodity Muntok Bangka Belitung, so that it can strengthen export competitiveness to the global market.

Increasing the competitiveness of IKM not only through physical facilities, namely revitalizing buildings and equipment machines, but also through unphysical facilitation, namely by implementing Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and good processed food production methods (CPPOB), as well as good central institutions.

"Currently, there are still many pepper processing IKMs that do not meet CPOB standards as regulated in the Minister of Industry Regulation Number 75 of 2010," said Reni.

This can be seen from the undersupporting buildings and production facilities, the lack of sanitation and hygiene of employees, equipment machines that do not meet the requirements, poor supervision of the production process, and inconsistent final product specifications.

According to Reni, GMP is a guideline or procedure that regulates companies or producers to produce food so that it is safe, quality and suitable for consumption.

"With the procedures to control the quality of food production, the company's products will be more developed and can be trusted by consumers," he said.

The application of food quality standards that are guided by CPPOB in the central environment will also make it easier for food processing IKM players to obtain required certification for food products, such as distribution permits, halal certificates, and HACCP.

Reni added, another aspect in the management of the IKM center that needs to be boosted is related to the institution or management of the company at the center.

This is because good company management will have an impact on effective and efficient central performance.

"If a center has good institutions and asset management, stakeholders at these centers such as business actors, suppliers of raw materials, consumers, and others, can feel the positive economic impact as well," he said.

He hopes that the local government (Pemda) can synergize with other parties, such as hotel management and tourism managers, as well as various prospective buyers to market IKM products from the center.

The local government is also expected to appeal to SKPD to buy products produced by business actors at the center, as well as cooperation in increasing the capacity of human resources for business actors and central managers.

"With good synergy, facilities and support for increasing competitiveness for IKM business actors, both those sourced from DAK, APBN, APBD, and other financing sources are expected to contribute positively and clearly to improving the economy and community welfare in Bangka Regency," concluded Reni.