KPK Suspects There Is A Request For Officials At The Muna Southeast Sulawesi Joint For The Sake Of Handling PEN Fund Loans
JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) suspects that the Regent of Muna La Ode Muhammad Rusman Emba asked joint officials and private sectors to take care of the loan funds for the National Economic Recovery (PEN).
This allegation was investigated by examining 12 witnesses. Head of the KPK News Section Ali Fikri detailed that the dozens of witnesses were the Head of the Procurement Section of the Muna Regency Secretariat for 2018-2022 as well as the Secretary of the Muna Regency Bappeda 2022 Muhamad Syahrun; Pokja ULP 2019-2021, Rabindra Rachman Bazar; and the staff of the UKPBJ Pokja ULP Muna Regency, Abdul Karyatourism.
Next is the Head of the BAPEDA Infrastructure Division of Muna Regency as well as UKPBJ Staff Pokja ULP Muna Regency 2020-2022 La Ode Fakhrur Razak; owner of PT Mitra Pembangunan Sultra, La Ode Gomberto; Head of Development Section of the Muna Regency Government in 2021 and Head of ULP Muna Regency in 2022-present La Ode Muhamad Sarlan Saera.
Next, PBJ Section of the Regional Secretariat of Muna Regency, Afiadin; and Pokja ULP Muna Farid Ismail Unsu Regency. Commissioner of PT Haluoleo Mineral 2022-present, Muhammad Rahim; entrepreneur named Philosophy; Director of PT Laskar Buton Semesta, Muhammad Mahfoedz; as well as owner of CV Apzzah, Abdul Halim. Dozens of witnesses underwent examination at the Southeast Sulawesi Regional Police on Tuesday, July 18.
"Witnesses were present and their knowledge was investigated, among others, still around allegations of conspiracy accompanied by coordination of collecting money from officials and private parties to take care of PEN funds by parties named as suspects in this case," Ali said in a written statement, Thursday, July 20.
Ali has not yet detailed who is involved in this case. However, information circulated that there were two suspects, one of whom was the Regent of Muna La Ode Muhammad Rusman Emba.
"In addition (the witness was asked, ed) regarding the distribution and use of PEN funds in several SKPDs in the Muna Regency Government," said Ali.
Actually, investigators will also examine a witness, namely La Ode Muhammad Taufiq, who is an ASN for the Procurement of Goods and Services (PBJ) for the Muna Regency Regional Secretariat. It's just that he was not present and will be rescheduled.
Previously reported, the KPK continues to develop a case of alleged bribery of PEN funds. One of the parties who has been charged is the younger brother of Muna La Ode Regent Muhammad Rusman Emba, L. M. Rusdianto Emba.
In the construction of the case, the KPK explained that the younger brother of the Muna Regent was one of the local entrepreneurs in Southeast Sulawesi. Rusdianto is said to have many connections with various parties, including several officials at the local government and central government levels.
He then helped former East Kolaka Regent Andi Merya Nur to take care of PEN funds loans. In return, Rusdianto got a project with a value of tens of billions.