KKP Certified 300 Fishermen In Halmahera, North Maluku
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) through the Education and Counseling Agency for Marine and Fisheries Human Resources (BPPSDM) KP held a 'Fisher Certification Training (SKN)' activity in Kab. South Halmahera, North Maluku Province (Malut), in mid-July 2023.
The implementation of this training was initiated by Member of Commission IV DPR RI Alien Mus, who on that occasion was represented by the Chairman of DPD II Kab. South Halmahera, Umar Hi Soleman.
In this activity, the KKP carried out certification to 300 fishermen in North Maluku. This fishermen certification program is intended to improve fishermen's skills and technical abilities, so that work accidents at sea can be minimized and do not practice fishing that violates the provisions.
Head of the Education and Counseling Agency for Marine and Fishery Human Resources, I Nyoman Radiarta, said that training and certification for the KP community is one of the strategic programs of BPPSDM KP in the Vocal Goes to Actors (VOGA) program as an effort to increase technical capacity and knowledge in responsible fishing.
"The main goal is that fishermen are capable when operating boats, can increase their fish catch, reduce the risk of accidents while at sea, and as an effort to prevent illegal fishing from occurring to find out unlicensed vessels," Nyoman said in a written statement, Thursday, July 20.
The same thing was conveyed by the Head of the Marine and Fisheries Training and Counseling Center (Puslatlu KP) 8, Aprilya Pregiwati. Lily said that participants received a certificate as a sign of a competent fisherman working on a fishing boat.
He also added that the certification is proof that fishermen have basic knowledge of shipping and fishing operations, introduction of work safety, to first aid in accidents.
"This certificate is the competence of fishermen who work on 5 GT and bottom ships (ABK) with ships measuring 5-30 GT," said Lily.
This fisherman certification program also received a good response from the participants. One of them is Abas Makehalala, who is a member of the Dolphin Fisherman Group.
"Thank you for organizing this training activity. We will implement the knowledge that has been given. We also hope that this training activity can be carried out in a sustainable manner, so that the original fishermen can continue to a higher level," he said.