Mueller's Hope To Perform At The Tokyo Olympics Gone

JAKARTA - Thomas Mueller's hopes of being able to appear with the German national team at the Tokyo Olympics ran aground after the German Football Federation (DFB) confirmed that he would not be selected.

According to the SID report reported by Antara, the Bayern Munich star was not included in the list of additional players to be brought to Tokyo which was registered by the German Anti-Doping Agency (NADA).

The new list has not yet been released to the public.

Only players registered in January can play for Germany's national team for the Tokyo Olympics, which are currently scheduled to start on July 23.

Mueller was originally wanted by Germany's Olympic national team coach, Stefan Kuntz, before last year's Tokyo Olympics had to be postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

In an interview last year, Mueller said it "would be great to strengthen the German team in Tokyo".

The 31-year-old helped the German national team win the 2014 World Cup in Brazil, but he was expelled from the national team by head coach Joachim Loew in March 2019.

However, as a regulation, he can still play for the German national team at the Olympics as one of the three senior players allowed for each team.