UN Security Council Creates Discussions On Artificial Intelligence And Its Impact On Global Peace

JAKARTA - The United Nations (UN) Security Council (DK) will hold its first formal discussion on artificial intelligence (AI) this week in New York. The discussion comes after one of DK's permanent members, Britain, asked for an international dialogue on the impact of AI on global peace and security.

Governments around the world are considering how to reduce the dangers of emerging AI technology, which could reshape the global economy and change the international security landscape.

Britain served as president of the UN Security Council's turn this month and has sought a role in global leadership in AI regulations.

British Foreign Minister James Cleanly will lead the discussion on Tuesday, July 18.

In June, the UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, supported the proposal of several artificial intelligence executives to form an international AI supervisory agency such as the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).