To Gresik, Ganjar Pranowo Presented 2024 Nasi Krawu As A Symbol Of Volunteer Support

A total of 2024 krawu rice is eaten by Gresik residents together with the 2024 presidential candidate (readpres) from PDI-P Ganjar Pranowo. The activity took place at Gelora Joko Samudro Field, Gresik Regency, East Java on Sunday, July 16 morning.

The amount of 2024 krawu rice is defined as a form of support for Gresik residents who are networked in Ganjar volunteers for all (GUS), to Ganjar to become President of the Republic of Indonesia in 2024-2029.

"Traditional rice treats such as krawu rice, we can show that we have extraordinary wealth of objects," said Ganjar at the location.

The krawu rice was deliberately made and hung in bracket as a gift for Gresik volunteers for Ganjar, as well as a welcome symbol from Gresik residents.

After greeting the volunteers, Ganjar sat down with the community to eat krawu rice which has become an intangible cultural heritage (WBTB) with thousands of residents who have been waiting for Ganjar's presence to eat together since morning.

During the moment of eating together, there was no visible barrier between Ganjar and the community. This confirms Ganjar as a simple and populist leader.

Ganjar also did not forget to give appreciation to volunteers and Gresik residents who have given extraordinary remarks and enthusiasm. Ganjar also encouraged Gresik residents to process and develop other local culinary delights, in addition to krawu rice to advance to class.

"If we show off our culinary delights very interestingly, of course not only people know but then people will be able to sell and MSMEs will run, then they will develop and then their MSMEs will advance to class because they can host in their own country," explained Ganjar.

On that occasion, Ganjar, who was accompanied by Gresik Regent Fandi Akhmad, also inaugurated the post of a number of winning volunteer organs throughout Gresik Regency, including GUS, Baris Gresik and Sergap Bergerak Volunteers.