This Woman Became The First Teacher Of MAN Tana Toraja South Sulawesi Who Was Not Wearing The Hijab

MAKASSAR - If all this time the madrasa environment has been synonymous with Muslim clothing, but soon there will be something different. There was the first female teacher who was not wearing a hijab at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) Tana Toraja, South Sulawesi (Sulsel).

It was Eti Kurniawati, S.Si, Gr, a geography teacher who canceled receiving her appointment decree on January 19 along with 8 CPNS. He only learned of its placement after opening the brown envelope containing the decree which was handed over by the Head of the Subdivision of Personnel and Legal Affairs of the South Sulawesi Ministry of Religion, H. Burhanddin on Tuesday, January 26.

Eti, his nickname, said that he did not expect that he would be placed in MAN Tana Toraja because he is a Christian.

"At first I was shocked when I received the SK and found out that I was placed in MAN Tana Toraja. I thought he would be placed in a public school according to my religion," he said.

"But yes, because I believe this is God's plan in my life, I will do my best and try to adapt to the new environment later," said Eti.

This alumni of UNM Makassar said that he would try to work with respect for the different beliefs of others.

"For example, because the environment in which I will all wear the hijab, I have to adapt to wearing long sleeves and long skirts," he explained.

In fact, Tana Toraja is not a strange area to him because Eti comes from the descendants of Tana Toraja.

In the near future, Eti will soon go to Tana Toraja, as instructed by the Head of Subdivision of Civil Service and Law, H. Burhanduddin.

"This week I will immediately go to Tana Toraja after finishing taking care of my files to go there," he said.

Meanwhile, Personnel Analyst Andi Syaifullah said this policy was in line with the Regulation of the Minister of Religion (PMA) RI on the appointment of madrasa teachers, especially in Chapter VI article 30.

"PMA Number 90 of 2013 has been updated with PMA Number 60 of 2015 and PMA Number 66 of 2016, in which Chapter VI article 30 contains general qualification standards for prospective madrasah teachers (especially in point a), namely being faithful and fearful of God Who God Almighty. It does not say that you must be Muslim ", explained Andi Syaifullah.

"The non-Muslim teachers who are placed in this madrasa will teach general subjects, not religious lessons. So I think there is no problem. In fact this is a manifestation of religious moderation in which Islam is not exclusive to other religions," said Andi.