Moeldoko Says Indonesian Agriculture Needs Electricity In The Future

JAKARTA - Chairman of the DPP Indonesian Farmers Harmony Association (HKTI) Moeldoko said that agriculture in Indonesia in the future will require electrification or electricity.

"Farming needs electricity and agriculture, it also produces electricity," said Moeldoko at the Food Security event through Agcultural Electrification in Jakarta, on Wednesday, July 12.

Moeldoko said that electricity is needed to accelerate the performance of farmers from pre-planting to post-harvest.

"Where does agriculture require electricity or electrification to run? Let's look at the process," he said.

"The plantation starts from pre-plants, the pre-plant prepares seeds. As soon as the harvest must enter the thrill first, it also enters the thrill, there is also a size, what temperature must be, how long does it (beh) be there. After finishing, it will be selected, it will use all electricity," said Moeldoko.

Next, said Moeldoko, from the planting process, how to process soil into good soil to plant requires a struggle, so mechanization is needed to streamline the process.

"Because if you want to be efficient, yes, use mechanization, future mechanization must go to electrification, you have to go to an electric car (EV)," he said.

Then the planting process, said Moeldoko, the farmers again needed machine tools that used electrification.

"After planting, the fertilizer process, we need more electrification, we use electrification drones," he explained.

When post-harvest, he continued, it requires quick handling.

"Padi itu tidak boleh lebih dari enam jam, dia (padi) harus mendapatkan angin minimum, tetapi akan lebih baik lagi mendapatkan sinar matahari. Artinya di sana perlu mesin dryer (pengering hasil pertanian)," ungkapnya.

"Electricity for farmers is efficiency and life," added Moeldoko.