Nipah Virus Has Spread In 5 Asian Countries

JAKARTA - The Nipah virus stole the worries of health experts. The virus that is claimed to be more deadly than Covid-19 is not a new virus. Based on research from Lai-Meng Looi and Kaw-Bing Chua from the University of Malaya, this virus was first discovered in 1999 in Sungai Nipah, a village in Malaysia.

At the beginning of its appearance, the Nipah virus only spread in the Sungai Nipah village. However, the spread of the virus then spread to several areas in Malaysia, even to several countries in Asia.

Based on data from the World Health Organization (WHO), since it was first discovered to date, the Nipah virus has infected 477 people and killed 252 people.

Nipah Virus Infection, a journal from WHO, said the Nipah virus had attacked several countries in Asia.


Nipah virus broke out in Malaysia in 1998-1999. Initially, the Malaysian Health Authority linked this virus to a Japanese vaccine facility. The vaccine, which is considered not functioning perfectly, is thought to be the cause of the emergence of the Nipah virus.

Malaysia recorded 265 cases with encephalitis symptoms, with 105 deaths. For the death rate reaches 40 percent.


The case of the Nipah virus in Malaysia occurred in March 1999. In this case it was recorded that the Nipah virus infected 11 people, with 1 person dying. For the death rate reached 68 percent.


The Nipah virus has spread in India twice. The first attack took place in February 2001, in Siliguri. The second attack took place in April 2007 in the Nadia district.

In the 2001 case, 66 people were infected and 45 people died. For the death rate reached 68 percent.

Whereas in the case of 2007, the mortality rate was 100 percent. The Nipah virus infected 5 people, and 5 of these people died.


The Nipah virus has attacked Bangladesh twice. The first outbreak occurred in January-March 2005. The second outbreak occurred in February 2020 in Manikganj and Rajbari districts and April 2008 in Shatkira and Jessore districts.

In 2005, there were 13 cases, with nine deaths or 69 percent) in Meherpur. 12 cases with eight deaths or 67 percent in Naogan. 29 cases with 22 deaths or 76 percent in Goalando. 36 cases with 27 deaths or 75 percent in Faridpur. 12 cases with 11 deaths or 92 percent in Tangail.

Meanwhile, in the case of February 2008, it was recorded that the Nipah virus infected 11 people and caused 6 deaths. April 2008, recorded 2 people infected and one of them died.