Medan Polrestabes Forms Preman And Begal Eradication Task Force

Medan Police have formed a task force to eradicate thuggery, motorcycle gangs and robbers, which have been very disturbing to residents in their jurisdiction.

"Today we formed a task force for handling thuggery, motorcycle gangs and robbers," said Acting Head of Medan Police Ops AKBP Marudut Hutabarat, quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, July 6.

With the formation of this task force, it is hoped that it can significantly suppress street crimes in Medan City.

"Medan Police are committed to taking action against every street crime to provide a sense of security and comfort to the community," he said.

Previously, the Medan Polrestabes also held large-scale patrols to crush street crimes in order to create and maintain a safe and conducive security and social security situation in its jurisdiction.

Large-scale patrols to crush street crimes such as robbers and motorcycle gangs and narrow the space for other street criminals to move.