Reluctant To Drama Again, Venna Melinda Returns Ferry Irawan's Goods

JAKARTA - Venna Melinda finally returned Ferry Irawan's belongings who were still left behind at his house. This happened after the last few months, both Venna and Ferry Irawan's family had an argument with each other.

Venna gave the return of goods to Ferry Irawan's family in the courtyard of the South Jakarta Religious Court. Also present were Ferry Irawan's mother and sister as recipients of the goods.

"Today, the agenda is to return Mr. Ferry's belongings at Mbak Venna's house to Mr. Ferry's younger brother, Mr. Ari," said Noor Akhmad Riyadhi as Venna Melinda's attorney, Thursday, July 6.

Meanwhile, a total of 101 items belonging to Ferry were handed over by Venna Melinda to her husband's family. These items include documents, clothes, accessories and several other items.

"There is a birth certificate, electronic devices, glasses, sweaters, socks, coats, pants, underwear, koko shirt, shirt, trousers, hat and perfume," said Noor Akhmad.

On that occasion, Venna also returned a ring known to be a gift from Ferry Irawan when he celebrated his birthday.

Venna also expressed her relief that she could return Ferry's belongings. He admitted that he was disturbed by the statement by Ferry Irawan's family attorney who once said that Venna could be punished criminally if he did not return Ferry's belongings.

"A few months ago, the statement made me quite restless. I conveyed to my attorney, what should we do so that we don't drama-drama. Thank God God it made it easier, we took the initiative to return it as long as there was a power of attorney," said Venna Melinda.