Until July 2023, Budget Realization Of The Directorate General Of Highways Of The Ministry Of PUPR Capai 29.04 Percent

The Directorate General of Highways of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) reported that the physical progress of budget implementation at the Directorate General of Highways at TA 2023 had reached 29.04 percent, until July 2023.

"Meanwhile, the financial progress at TA 2023 is IDR 14.75 trillion or 26.08 percent of the budget ceiling of IDR 56.57 trillion," said Director General of Highways Hedy Rahadian in a written statement, quoted Wednesday, July 5.

Pada TA 2023, realisasi fisik Direktorat Jenderal Bina Marga pada pelaksanaan dukungan 5 kawasan DPSP, yaitu Danau Toba, Borobudur, Mandalika, Labuan Bajo, dan Likupang telah mencapai 25.94 persen dan realisasi keuangannya 24,66 persen atau Rp233,99 miliar dari pagu Rp948,84 miliar.

Then, at TA 2023, the Directorate General of Highways has completed the construction of the Nunpo-Inbate-Napan border road in NTT, and Jalan Long Bagun-Tering 1 in East Kalimantan.

Then, there are Prigi-Klatak-Brumbun (East Java) and Blate By Pass (DPSP Lake Toba) roads. The Kretek 2 Bridge in DIY and Tukad Bindu Bridge in Bali have also been completed.

"For labor-intensive implementation, Rp1.09 trillion has been realized and absorbs 38,696 workers from the 80,000 workforce target," said Hedy.

Meanwhile, for the implementation of the work that is being carried out (on-going), including JJLS (Pansela) in East Java, Border Road Support and PLBN Access in West Kalimantan and Riau Islands, Bangka Panjang Bridge Development in West Kalimantan, Flyover Development in East Java and South Sumatra.

"Pada TA 2023, Direktorat Jenderal Bina Marga juga tengah merencanakan pembangunan 89 unit jembatan gantung yang tersebar di 24 Balai Besar/ Balai Pelaksanaan Jalan Nasional di seluruh Indonesia," tuturnya.

Hedy added that his party is proposing additional budget for the 2024 FY related to the need for IKN Nusantara development assignments and increasing regional road connectivity in accordance with Presidential Instruction Number 3 of 2023 concerning Accelerating the Increase in Regional Road Connectivity.

"We will try to propose an additional budget for the 2024 FY because the indicative ceiling of Rp49 trillion has not accommodated the assignment of Presidential Decree Number 31 of 2023 regarding the acceleration of the development and operation of VVIP airports to support IKN," he said.

"Then, the assignment for the construction of the IKN access toll road section 6A, 6B, 6C section 1, and section 5B which is targeted for completion in 2024," he added.