National Police Chief Listyo Sigit Likens General Idham Azis As A Leading Eagle

JAKARTA - General Listyo Sigit Prabowo said General Idham Azis' leadership pattern during his tenure as the National Police chief went very well. Even his senior is likened to a leading eagle.

He likened General Idham Azis to the leader falcon because of his character. Idham Azis is considered responsible for all the actions of its members.

"He is also a brave and responsible leader who always defends and cares for and protects his members", said Listyo Sigit in his remarks at the Police Headquarters, Wednesday, January 27.

Listyo Sigit said that as the hawk leader, General Idham Azis had never shown himself to be feared. In addition, Idham Azis always prioritizes work results rather than talking a lot.

"The lead eagle does not need to give birth to himself like a peacock, parrot, or even a parrot to be respected and recognized by his opponents and friends and this is in line with Mr. Idham Azis who does not like to do imaging in work. But prioritizes results and real work", he explained.

General Idham Azis continued Listyo Sigit also had calm in making decisions. Thus, the decisions that have been taken have been considered as the right actions for the National Police institution.

"Leaders who have a high sense of awareness, but on the other hand, this sensitivity is followed by focus and calm in making every decision and action", he said.