KPK Calls Rafael Alun Trisambodo's Wife
The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) summoned the wife of former Directorate General of Taxes Rafael Alun Trisambodo, Ernie Mike Torondek, for examination as a witness in the case of alleged receipt of gratuities and money laundering (TPPU).
"It's true, today the examination of witnesses for corruption in gratification and money laundering related to tax audits at the Director General of Taxes at the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia for the suspect RAT on behalf of Ernie Mike Torondek, an entrepreneur," said Head of the KPK News Section Ali Fikri quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, July 4.
In addition, the KPK has also scheduled the examination of four other private witnesses, namely Anak Agung Ngurah Mahendra, Happy Hermawati, Shielfy, and Aulia Bismar.
Rafael Alun Trisambodo (RAT) was named a suspect on suspicion of receiving gratuities from several taxpayers for the consolidation of various tax audit findings.
RAT is suspected of owning several companies, including PT Artha Mega Ekadhana (AME) which is engaged in consulting services related to bookkeeping and taxation.
KPK investigators have found Rafael suspected of receiving a cash flow of 90,000 US dollars through PT AM.
Another piece of evidence confiscated by investigators was a safety deposit box (SDB) containing around Rp32.2 billion in cash stored in one of the banks in the form of US dollar denominations, Singapore dollars, and the euro currency.