Four Nigerians Arrested By Immigration For Frequently Teasing Women In Pluit Apartments
JAKARTA – Four foreign nationals (foreigners) from Nigeria living in an apartment in Pluit Area, North Jakarta had to be detained by immigration officers because they were considered to be disturbing local residents. How not, the four of them are reported to often disturb the women. Of course, this makes the residents of the apartment uncomfortable.
It was officers from the TPI Tanjung Priok Class I Immigration Office who detained the four foreign men. They had the initials ESO (25), OE (36), EU (31), and EDC (38) who were finally secured in the North Jakarta Immigration Office's detention room, Monday, July 3.
Regarding residents' complaints about their troubling actions, the Head of the Immigration Supervision and Enforcement Section of the TPI Tanjung Priok Class I Immigration Office, Firman Napitupulu, confirmed this. Firman said, based on public reports, the foreigner had disturbed or seduced the opposite sex who lived in the apartment.
"We apply Article 75 Paragraph 1 of Law Number 6 of 2011 concerning Immigration. From the results of the investigation, the actions of the four foreigners have indeed fulfilled the elements of the violation," said Firman, quoted from Antara, Monday, July 3.
After being examined, his party also found that the four foreign nationals often made the apartment residents nervous.
"Their actions when they speak loudly to seduce women," he said.
The Immigration Office has coordinated with the families of the four foreigners to search for their respective travel documents. When arrested, the four foreigners were unable to show the travel documents requested by the officers in the context of immigration control.
In the meantime, his party is still exploring and gathering strong evidence regarding the absence of travel documents or visas that they have.
"Because when they were arrested, they didn't show it," said Firman.
From the statements of the four foreigners, they came to the apartment individually. Each has a different date of arrival. Some have lived in apartments for a year, and some have only been in the apartment for two weeks.
However, it is unclear when the four foreign nationals occupied the apartment unit in the Sunter area, Tanjung Priok, North Jakarta.