NTB Police Investigate 2 PMIs From Sumbawa Become Victims Of TIP In Libya

The West Nusa Tenggara Regional Police received a report from two Indonesian migrant workers who were victims of alleged criminal acts of trafficking in persons (TPPO) to Libya. Director of General Criminal Investigation of the NTB Police Police Commissioner Teddy Ristiawan in Mataram, Monday, confirmed that his party had received reports of two victims of alleged TPPO to Libya originating from Sumbawa Island with the initials JU and SM. "So, yes, today we officially received reports from the two victims," Teddy said as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, July 3. He said that the report is now the attention of the NTB TPPO Task Force, in particular the field of prosecution from Sub-Directorate IV for Youth, Children, and Women of the NTB Police Criminal Investigation Directorate. "Today we made BAP (investigation report), starting to collect evidence. Hopefully in the not too distant future, this case can be revealed soon," he said.Mizanul Jihad, representatives of the legal team accompanying the two victims said that the basis for this reporting referred to the TPPO allegations. "So, these two victims actually received salaries, only during their work in Libya, they often received physical violence behavior from employers," said Mizan. These two migrant workers from Sumbawa were revealed to be victims of TPPO in Libya after one of them with the initials SM uploaded a video recording of the outpo to social media.

The video footage then reached the Indonesian government and immediately received special attention. The government through the Indonesian Embassy Tripoli immediately followed up on the video recording by tracking the whereabouts of SM which was revealed in the Benghazi area. After the existence was tracked down, the Indonesian Embassy in Tripoli together with the Libyan Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Libya Labor Agency managed to return the two migrant workers from NTB to Indonesia on Wednesday (28/6).