Terms And How To Open A Share Account In A Securities Company, It's Not Complicated!

YOGYAKARTA How to open a stock account is quite easy, you can do it through a securities company. This method needs to be seen by those of you who want to invest in financial assets, such as stocks.

Quoted from the official website of the Financial Services Authority (OJK), securities companies are companies that have received permission from the OJK to buy and sell securities in the form of shares.

To open a stock account in a securities company, you can visit the securities office or visit online trading sites and platforms belonging to securities companies.

Well, before you open a stock account, there are several requirements that must be met. What are these conditions? Check out the full information below.

Requirements to Open a Share Account

Adapted from your OJK Attitude page, here are the conditions for opening a stock account in a securities company:

If all these requirements have been prepared, the next step is to determine the securities company or broker.

When choosing securities, make sure the company has obtained permission from the OJK to carry out sale and purchase transactions.

Brokers must be part of the stock exchange members by having an Intermediary Securities Certificate (PPE) or Deputy Intermediary for Stock Traders (WPPE) and recorded by the Indonesia Stock Exchange.

How to Open a Stock Account

The steps to open a stock account in a securities company are as follows:

That's information about how to open a stock account. VOI.ID readers who want to invest in financial assets, such as stocks, can do the above way to buy shares in the capital market.