The Remaining A Week, There Is No Legislative Legislation Of The DKI DPRD For Fixing Candidate Files
JAKARTA - Head of the Technical Division for the Implementation of the General Election Commission (KPU) of DKI Jakarta Province, Dody Wijaya, said that there were no candidates for legislative members of the DKI DPRD who had corrected their nomination registration files in the 2024 Legislative Election (Pileg).
Previously, the KPU found that there were still many legislators of the DKI DPRD who did not meet the requirements to be appointed as legislative candidates. The KPU provides time to improve registration files for the next week, namely July 9, 2023.
"Until yesterday there has been no political party to repair the document on the requirements for prospective members of the provincial DPRD," said Dody, Monday, July 3.
In fact, the DKI KPU has submitted a list of balaleg names that still have to improve administrative files to each political party that registered them.
During this period of improvement, the KPU also opened information and complaints services to help the management of the political party and the legislative party concerned
"Parpol dan balalon masih memanfaatkan layanan Helpdesk baik dengan datang langsung atau melalui WhatsApp untuk konsultasi terkait perbaikan berkas pencalonan," urainya.
Previously, the KPU stated that there were 88.12 percent of the baulaleg of the DKI Jakarta DPRD who did not meet the requirements to be appointed as legislative candidates in the 2024 Legislative Election. This was stated in the results of the DKI KPU plenary meeting on June 23.
"Prospective members of the Provincial DPRD are 1,902 people. Those who are declared MS (meeting the requirements) are 226 people or 11.88 percent, while BMS (has not met the requirements) 1.676 people or 88.12 percent," said Chairman of the DKI Jakarta KPU Wahyu Dinata in his statement, Monday, June 26.
Wahyu explained several reasons why the DPRD and DPD babileg were declared ineligible. Among them are differences in the writing of names on the contents of the Candidate Information System (SILON) with the BB Statement Model form Bakal Candidate.
Another factor is the absence of a check mark on the BB Statement Model form Bakal Candidate, the use of a title that is not accompanied by a diploma document, or there is a wrong upload document.
Not only that, the DKI Jakarta KPU also found 24 people from the DKI DPRD who had double data between political parties, as well as double electoral districts from the same political party.
The KPU provides a deadline for improving registration documents that do not meet the requirements for the DKI electoral district leg legislative and the political party's regional or regional leadership council (DPW/DPD) for its legislators for the next few days.
"For documents that have not been correct and indicated that the doubles determined have not met the requirements, they can be corrected during the repair period from June 26 to July 9, 2023," said Wahyu.