Heartache Is Oftenbulged By Friends, Students Burn Schools In Temanggung

As a result of his frequent friends, a student with the initials R (13) burned several classrooms at his school at SMP Negeri 2 Pringsurat, Temanggung Regency, on Tuesday, June 27, early in the morning.

"The suspect's official R is based on a number of evidences found at the location as well as from CCTV footage at the school," said Temanggung Police Chief AKBP Agus Puryadi in Temanggung, Wednesday.

He conveyed that the suspect felt hurt because his friends were often bullied by his friends, including the teacher who according to him did not pay attention to him.

"This means that this is subjective to the students' feelings. This is proven when they have a pre-employment and by the teacher they think it's normal, they want him to be the best," he said, quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, June 28.

Then the student joined the PMR and ran for the chairman of the PMR at his school, but the credibility and capability concerned may not be appropriate according to his friends if he leads the organization so he is not elected as chairman.

"The accumulation of some heartache, which is subjective, then he plans to burn the school," he said.

The Temanggung Police Chief explained the steps taken by the suspect, namely preparing himself with a bottle used for a drink with vitamins, then using a special liquid that had been mixed with certain ingredients, causing a large fire, the suspect's efforts were quite successful, so that a number of rooms in the school caught fire.

"With fuel oil and gas lighter contents combined into one then mixed and tried. The first trial was successfully carried out behind his house and the results were quite good," he said.

After successfully conducting a trial, he made three of the same series, one was placed on the right side of the school, then some were thrown and the most fatal was what was placed in the pre-employment room, because this room was not closed and it was filled with items made of wood and cardboard. The work caught fire.

From this pre-work room, the fire spread to another classroom whose roof was partially scorched, almost collapsed. Then he walked back to the green house but also did not catch fire. then he also burned the graduation banner.

Agus said that because he was proven to have committed a crime by intentionally burning, this suspect was threatened with Article 81 paragraph 2 of Law Number 11 of 2012 concerning the Criminal Justice of Children,

"Child perpetrators can be imposed no later than half of the maximum threat of imprisonment for adults," he said.