Chairman Of IMI Bamsoet Appreciates The Success Of The MNC MXGP Samota Indonesia 2023 World Championship

JAKARTA - Held at the Samota International Circuit, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) on Saturday-Sunday, June 24-24, the MNC MXGP Samota Indonesia 2023 Motocross World Championship was successfully held.

Chairman of the Indonesian People's Consultative Assembly and Chairman of the Indonesian Motor Association (IMI) Bambang Soesatyo (Bamsoet) appreciates the success of this event, especially since this is the second time Samota has hosted the MXGP, after previously successfully holding the MXGP at the Samota International Circuit on June 25-26, 2022.

"By returning to hosting, it has given the opportunity for Indonesian racer Hilman Maksum to get wildcard so that he can participate in competing against world racers in the main class of MNC MXGP Samota Indonesia 2023. He managed to finish in 17th. This experience must have had a tremendous effect on other racers to be more active in training. So that next year they can return to compete to give their best," said Bamsoet after watching MNC MXGP Samota Indonesia 2023 via live streaming from Jakarta, Sunday, June 25.

Bamsoet explained, MNC MXGP Samota Indonesia 2023 was attended by 46 racers. Consisting of 23 riders who acted in the main class and 23 racers in the MX2 class. Witnessed by almost 60 thousand spectators. Kawasaki Racing Team MXGP racer, Romain Febvre from France managed to become the champion in Race 2 MNC MXGP Samota Indonesia 2023, after successfully completing the 17 lap race in 35 minutes 57,623 seconds.

"After successfully organizing the MNC MXGP Samota Indonesia 2023 as the 10th Motocross Grand Prix 2023 series, NTB will still host the MNC MXGP Lombok Indonesia 2023 series 11th Motocross Grand Prix 2023 at the MXGP Selaparang Circuit, Lombok on 1-2 July 2023. The NTB Provincial Government and the Sumbawa Regency Government as well as Mataram City have provided free selling/sales facilities to MSME players. consisting of 250 MSMEs in the MXGP Samota racing arena, and 200 MSMEs at the MXGP Lombok racing arena, "explained Bamsoet.

He also explained that NTB has made history in the development of Indonesian motorcycle racing, even the world. NTB has three international circuits that can hold three world motorcycle racing events. Namely World Superbike and MotoGP at the Pertamina Mandalika International Street Circuit, as well as MXGP at the Samota International Circuit, Sumbawa and Selaparang International Circuit, in Mataram City.

"In addition to being able to advance motorcycle racing and motocross in Indonesia, it can also become an automotive tourism sport destination that can contribute to increasing the original revenue of the NTB area and local people's income," concluded Bamsoet.