Head Of Al-Zaytun Islamic Boarding School Panji Gumilang Silenced When Meeting The Investigation Team, Asking For Time To Susun Answer

The investigation team formed by the governor of West Java said that the leadership of the Al-Zaytun Panji Gumilang Islamic Boarding School remained silent and had not given any answers even though they had attended the call for clarification.Head of the Badruzzaman Investigation Team M. Yunus said Panji had only come to ask for time to prepare answers to a number of questions given by the investigation team.The agenda for calling Panji was held at Gedung Sate, Bandung City, West Java, Friday, June 23."At first, we wanted to clarify what was circulating in the community and in the media, but it seems that he asked us for time to prepare an answer that we would question," said Badruzzaman in Bandung, West Java, quoted from Antara.Badruzzaman said the investigation team would make a report regarding the summons of Panji Gumilang. According to him, the investigation team could not force Panji to clarify, including the deadline for him to give an answer."We are clarifying, we can't force him, he doesn't want to, huh, how about?" said Badruzzaman.Meanwhile, Secretary of the investigation team, Rafani Achyar, said that the Al-Zaytun Islamic Boarding School only asked for a list of questions containing four points to answer at a later date. Rafani also did not mention in detail the question because it was sensitive.In the agenda for summoning the Panji, according to him, there was also a team from the Central Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI). However, Panji was reluctant to meet the team from the Central MUI and only wanted to meet the investigation team formed by West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil.
"The Central MUI will immediately take steps, if there is an answer from Al-Zaytun, we will convey it to the Central MUI. Later, there is a possibility that the Central MUI will invite Al-Zaytun," said Rafani.