Hasto Calls The Head Of Political Parties At The Bung Karno Month Peak Event, AHY Present?
JAKARTA - Secretary General of the PDI-P (PDIP) Hasto Kristiyanto said a number of party general chairmen would attend the Bung Karno Month (BBK) commemoration event at Gelora Bung Karno Main Stadium (SUGBK) on Saturday, June 24. "Yes, there are several general chairmen who are indeed invited," Hasto told reporters in SUGBK, Central Jakarta, Friday, June 23. However, Hasto has not yet detailed who was present. He said he was still waiting for confirmation and would immediately report it to PDIP General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri. "Yes, I convey to this event and then we agree to continue to promote the spirit of friendship between the two parties," said Hasto. It is known that the PDIP-Democrat relationship is now close after the meeting between Puan and AHY some time ago. The two met to talk and discuss nationality. Previously, PDIP DPP chairman Puan Maharani said the peak of BBK would invite a number of parties. Apart from political parties, the figure who is the candidate for vice president (candidate) Ganjar Pranowo will also be invited.
"It could be that from the people who will be present later are the vice president's readings from the PDI-P presidential reading that I have never mentioned, or maybe it is not yet visible," said Puan to reporters while reviewing preparations for the peak of BBK commemoration, Thursday, June 22. "Because that's where we will see that, there will be new faces or old faces that we have been observing so far to be one of the PDIP vice presidents readings," he continued.