7 Foods That Effectively Overcome Oral
YOGYAKARTA After lunch, have you ever felt insecure about the smell of the mouth? Maybe you chew raw onions in hamburgers or other foods that smell left in the mouth. The smell, known as halitosis, is temporary, especially those caused by the food you eat. How to get rid of the smell of the mouth, you can eat the following food.
Peterseli may be the most famous food ingredients for dealing with mouth odors. In addition to peterseli which produces odor removal oils, it can also be cinnamon and Spearmint. Some other spice spices include ketumbar leaves, rosemary, and cardamom.
Green tea contains katetin, a strong antioxidants that can fend off bacteria. Keep in mind, the smell of the mouth is caused by bacteria. This can be overcome by drinking green tea after eating what dispels the smell of the mouth you don't want.
According to several studies reported by Everyday Health, Friday, June 23, active culture in yogurt helps reduce mouth odor. Doctor Gerald P. Cururala, professor at the Faculty of Dental Medicine, University of New York, said that probiotics in yogurt contain good bacteria that repel bad bacteria that cause smell of the mouth.
Doctor Curatola added a reference for healthy foods that dispel the smell of the mouth. Apples and pyers are fruit that helps produce saliva. It is also useful for menutrition and rebalances the natural mouth ecology.
Most importantly note, fruit that contains a lot of vitamin C, helps overcome annoying mouth odors. Vitamin C not only helps protect bacteria, but also combat gum inflammation which causes mouth odors.
These three foodstuffs, celery, cucumber, and carrots, can be put together in a bowl of salads. Can also be soaked in water for fresh drinks that block the smell of the mouth. These fresh snacks encourage good saliva production to rinse bacteria.
Nuts rich in fiber can act as'scobs of small teeth', explains Cururala. This means you can carry a small jar of almonds and can eat three seeds after lunch if you don't have time to brush your teeth. Add Curatola, almonds help guard the bacteria that smell from dental coloring.
In addition to consuming the above odor removal food, you can also treat halitosis by drinking water, sticking to sugarless rubber candy, and practicing the habit of cleaning your teeth well.