Menpan RB Tegaskan Pemda Dan Kementerian Jangan Lagi Rekrut Tenaga Honorary

JAKARTA - Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform (Menpan RB) Abdullah Azwar Anas asked local governments (Pemda) as well as ministries and non-ministerial government institutions (K/L) to no longer recruit honorary staff.

"Friends in the regions are no longer allowed to recruit carelessly, 'this is no longer allowed. The source is, in fact, one of them is in addition to the center in the regions," said Anas after the signing of a memorandum of understanding and cooperation agreement in the field of SPBE and legal services with universities at the Ministry of PAN and RB (Kemenpan RB), Jakarta, Wednesday, June 21, confiscated by Antara.

According to him, arbitrary recruitment will damage the calculation of the needs of the formation of state civil servants (ASN). This will also have an impact on the quality of human resources (HR) that are not in accordance with government criteria.

"A portion of the honorary recruitment haphazardly, this then has an impact on the number and quality," he explained.

In fact, Kemenpan RB is expected to become a world-class bureaucracy. Meanwhile, in terms of ASN recruitment itself is still found that is not in accordance with the standards.

For this reason, Anas continued, his party will immediately accelerate the completion of the ASN Law. The prohibition for government agencies to recruit honorary staff has also been regulated in government regulations (PP).

"Once rowing, we will solve many things. Now that we are accelerating the completion of the ASN Law, we will make the PP," said Anas.

Article 8 of PP Number 48 of 2005 concerning the Appointment of Honorary Personnel to Candidates for Civil Servants has clearly been prohibited from recruiting honorary staff. This is also stated in Article 96 of PP Number 49 of 2018 concerning Management of Government Employees with Work Agreements (PPPK).

Anas targets honorary staff to be completed on November 28, 2023, as regulated in PP Number 49 of 2018 concerning PPPK Management. The PP also stipulates that non-PNS employees in government agencies are still carrying out their duties for a maximum of 5 years when the regulation is in effect.

"God willing, before the deadline of November 28, 2023, we will be able to complete it related to honorary staff," he concluded.