Because Of Mr. RT Selling Drugs, The International Methamphetamine Network Of Billions Of Rupiah Was Dismantled

The disclosure of 20.63 kg of methamphetamine or Rp. 30 billion was one of the results of the development of the arrest of the Head of RT Bungur Village, Senen District, with the initials EM.

Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Komarudin explained that the four perpetrators who were arrested were based on the results of the development of the head of RT in Senen, Central Jakarta who was previously proven to be a shabu dealer.

"If the confession from one of the RT heads gets goods from J. The head of the RT who participates in distributing the methamphetamine, we will develop it. The team will again disclose it. The evidence is planned to be circulated in Jakarta," Kombes Komarudin told reporters, Friday, June 16.

Meanwhile, the suspect EM, one of the members of the RT head who was arrested, was a category of methamphetamine dealers.

"This group spread, including selling to the head of the RT that we have arrested. The price is in the market, 1 gram is Rp. 1.5 million. From the kilo it is divided into packages per 1 ounce. However, these drug consumers have gone to the lower levels of society," he said.

Meanwhile, the four suspects arrested had the initials W, J, MD and AL. Suspects W, J and MD served as couriers for sending methamphetamine and were arrested in South Sumatra. Meanwhile, one suspect with the initials AL served as the recipient and was arrested in North Jakarta.

From the evidence that was secured, his party managed to obtain 20.63 kg of crystal methamphetamine worth Rp. 30 billion. The result, according to the Police Chief, could save 120 thousand residents from the dangers of drugs.

For their actions, the perpetrators will be charged with Article 114 Paragraph 2 subsidiary Article 112 Paragraph 2 junto Article 132 of Law No. 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics with the threat of death penalty or life imprisonment and a maximum of 20 years in prison.

Previously, EM, a RT head in Bungur Village, Senen District, Central Jakarta, was arrested by the Johar Baru Police Narcotics Unit for being involved in narcotics trafficking.

When arrested, suspect EM was with two of his friends with the initials AS and IS. They were arrested on Jalan Kalibaru Timur Raya, Senen District, Central Jakarta.

"We have secured the head of RT in RW 06, Bungur Village for distributing methamphetamine with the initials EM," said Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Komarudin when confirmed, Sunday, June 11.

Kombes Komarudin said the arrest began with a report from the public. The perpetrator with the initials EM was arrested with evidence of 11 packages of small clips containing white crystals suspected of being methamphetamine.