Stories Of Surabaya Health Workers After Being Injected With The COVID-19 Vaccine

SURABAYA - Thousands of Surabaya health workers (nakes) have gradually participated in the COVID-19 vaccination. Most of them, without feeling the side effects after being injected with the vaccine.

Nita Legiantini Purnama Sari, a health worker who works at the Ngagel Rejo Community Health Center, shared her experiences after vaccinating COVID-19. The woman who is also a general practitioner who was vaccinated on January 23, admitted that she experienced no side effects after being injected with the vaccine.

She explained that she went to the Health Care Facility (Fasyankes) where she worked on Saturday, January 23. At that location, the health worker from Bandung was first injected before returning to serve the community.

"Like other vaccine recipients. Thank God, I passed the screening and got vaccinated right away," said Nita, Monday, January 25, 2021.

After being injected, Nita explained that she did not return to work immediately. But she had to confirm whether there were any complaints after being injected into her. About 30 minutes of rest, apparently there were no symptoms or effects at all. Finally she decided to return to duty by returning to wearing a complete set of personal protective equipment (PPE).

"Nothing was felt. The heat at the injection site, fever, nausea, vomiting, itching, tightness, dizziness were all gone. So I could return to my normal activities," he said.

Even the day after that, the 37-year-old health worker confirmed that there were still no symptoms in her body. She feels just as fit and energetic as before the vaccine. Not only that, she said that the day before the injection, there were several preparations made considering that each individual had a different reaction.

Starting from adequate rest, maintaining strict health protocols (prokes) to self-suggestion.

"So personal readiness is also different depending on the conditions of each. As long as there is no significant change, we can consider it normal. Hence, after the injection, we should not immediately leave the vaccine site to see if there is AEFI (a follow-up incident after immunization). For the second vaccine scheduled for February 6, "he said.

The same thing was felt by health workers from RSUD Dr. Moh Soewandhie, Nanik Sulistiowati. She also admitted that there were no side effects after being injected with the vaccine on Wednesday, January 20. The location of the injection was also located at the Dr. Moh Soewandhie Regional Hospital. However, she also made sure that before being vaccinated, she must first prepare herself, namely breakfast, consume vitamins and ensure that the body is fit.

"Thank God, there is no effect or impact. This is while waiting for the second vaccine. The most important thing is that wherever and whenever you are, you must maintain immunity," she said.