5 Tips For Sexual Aftercare To Care For Intimacy After Making Love

YOGYAKARTA Sexual aftercare is the time couples spend caring for each other after sex. It can involve gentle activity, such as hugging, talking, or massaging. This activity helps strengthen bonds, everyone feels safe, and protected.
A study reported by Medical News Today, Monday, June 12, found that the behavior of affection after sex is related to sexual satisfaction and higher relationships. Here are tips for sexual aftercare after sexual intercourse.
Married people have a higher level of relationship satisfaction when they hug each other. Referring to the findings of the study, it is important to chat after making love. This is done so that your partner feels closer and also helps feel safe and relaxed.
In a number of cases of poscoital dysphoria (PCD), one can feel sad or easily offended after sex. Based on research, 41 percent of men who have participated in surveys have experienced PCD and 3-4 percent of people experience PCD regularly. The study recommends couples to have sexual aftercare by communicating. That way each couple can discuss how each other feels after having sex. By communicating, partners can strengthen ties and understand each other.
There are so many sex style preferences. There is also a lot of sex style that couples consider new and may experience certain injuries. For this reason, after having sex, every couple needs to take care of each other either if there is a wound or there is a body part that has pain to cramps.
Spending time washing together, or washing each other, can be an intimate experience. A person may be able to enjoy being naked with his partner in a non-sexual situation. But there are also those who feel uncomfortable. For that, sexual aftercare activities also need to be agreed with your partner.
Hygiene after sex is also important washing a penis after sex can help prevent infection. Planned Parenthood advocacy groups suggest that uncut men must clean the bottom of their cap every day and after sex.
After sex, people may want to spend time doing non-sexual activities with their partner. This may be filled with watching television, snacking on snacks, or playing games together. It's important to remember, spending non-sexual time together can help build stronger relationships.
Those are the five sexual aftercare tips that are useful for increasing intimacy, trust, feeling safe, and communication. In addition, engaging in joint activities after sex can convince someone that they are not just sexual objects. It is important for everyone in a relationship to feel respected and respected.