Ferry Irawan Sentenced To One Year In Prison, Here's Mother's Response
JAKARTA - Hariati, Ferry Irawan's mother finally opened her voice regarding the guilty verdict against her child at the Kediri District Court (PN) last month. He admitted that he was disappointed that his son was sentenced to one year in prison.
"Mami is actually a bit disappointed with yesterday's decision, but that was the judge's decision," Hariati told the media crew at Senayan City, South Jakarta on Monday, June 5.
However, Hariati was also grateful for the verdict, considering that the verdict handed down was lower than what the Public Prosecutor (JPU) demanded. He also still believes his son is innocent of the domestic violence case addressed.
"But thank God, from 1 year and 6 months to 1 year. Actually, there is no domestic violence, the judge just decided that Ferry does not have domestic violence," he said.
Furthermore, Hariati again mentioned the irregularities that occurred at the trial. According to him, Venna's answer when asked by Ferry at trial should have made his son acquitted.
"You should have been released immediately, there wasn't a year. Because during the first trial, Ferry asked directly to Venna, 'have you ever been hit?', 'no', 'her sister was broken?', 'no'. So everyone is said no, and sometimes the answer is forgetful, "said Ferry Irawan's mother.
"There the answer is not correct, Venna, because maybe there is no domestic violence, because Ferry is not that bad," he continued.
Although he inevitably accepted the verdict from the panel of judges, Hariati still believes that her child is a victim who was wronged by the story made by Venna Melinda.
"So the judge's decision may be from the judge right, very disappointed, but we just accept it. Who is wrong can be seen, so his son Mami sacrificed it," concluded Hariati, Ferry Irawan's mother.