Police Arrest Suspect Of Hacking Malang Regency Government Site
SURABAYA - Sub-Directorate V of the Directorate of Special Criminal Investigation of the East Java Police arrested Achmad Romadhoni (21) from Denok Hamlet, Lumajang for hacking the websites of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), Research and Development Agency of the Malang Regency Government.
"The page was then sold to a fellow hacker group (hacker) on March 14, 2023," said Wadireskrimsus Polda Jatim AKBP Arman when releasing the case at the East Java Police Headquarters in Surabaya as reported by ANTARA, Monday, June 5.
Arman said the suspect, who is a member of the "Cukimay Cyber Team" (CCT) community, used the backdoor file mode, the github.com/nondiod7 software he had created to infiltrate the target page.
"The method is the same as the hacker perpetrator who had been arrested previously, namely hacking the government's or public website by sending malware through backdoor and controlling the website," said Arman.
Initially, the suspect who graduated from junior high school was looking for a target. After getting the target page to be hacked, he carried out a Blue Force using XMLRPC BF, which was his own system.
The system is to get the username andpasswordlaman target. After being obtained, the suspect who has been in action since 2021 is in line with the page and infiltrates the backdoor shell to get data from the page.
After successfully uploading the admin backdoor shell, the suspect can automatically know all the data from the page. Furthermore, the page is sold to other people for IDR 25-45 thousand per page.
"There were hundreds of websites that were hacked, some of which were BPBD, Litbang and Bappeda belonging to the Malang Regency Government. The motive, apart from selling for 1.5 to 2 US dollars per page, is to show their existence as hackers in the community," he added.
Because, said AKBP Arman every Dhoni managed to hack the page, he always marked (signs) to raise the name of his community among other hackers.
"Like in the Malang Regency Government page, this special feature is listed, namely there is a logo with a mouse image and the words Cukimay Cyber Team," he said.
In addition to hacking the Malang Regency Government website, the suspect has also hacked the Bukit Tinggi Bawaslu website and the West Papua Provincial Government.
From the suspect's hands, the police confiscated evidence of a laptop or computer passing, cell phones and evidence of hacking links for dozens of pages.
For his actions, he was charged with Article 32 paragraph (1) in conjunction with Article 48 paragraph (1) and/or Article 32 paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 48 paragraph (2) of Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions as amended into Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 19 of 2016 concerning Amendments to Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions with a threat of 9 years in prison and a fine of Rp. 3 billion.