Central Bangka Regent Gathers Religious Leaders Responding To Angel's Wing's Presence
JAKARTA - The Regent of Central Bangka, Bangka Belitung Islands Province, Algafry Rahman gathered Islamic religious leaders to address the existence of the Angel's Wing place of business which was rejected by some residents.
"The issue of Angel's Wing needs to be confirmed that we have never issued a permit," Algafry said in response to the aspirations of religious leaders in Koba, Friday, citing Antara.
Inter-organization religious leaders, leaders of Islamic boarding schools, and penghulu in Central Bangka agreed to refuse the operation of Angel's Wing, which not only sells various foods (restos), but provides entertainment venues (bars) serving high-level alcoholic beverages.
"If the alcohol content is below 5 percent, licensing is regulated by the province and if it is above 5 percent, then the area that regulates it and we have issued a regional regulation (perda) as the legal umbrella," said the regent.
The Regent explained that alcohol levels above 5 percent are regulated by the regional government which is strengthened by Regional Regulation Number 18 of 2007 concerning the Administration of Commerce and Consumption of Alcoholic Drinks.
"In Article 3 of the regional regulation states that every person or agency is prohibited from distributing and/or selling class A, B, and C minol, except those allowed are star hotels 3, 4, and 5," he said.
"If there are bars and restaurants that serve alcoholic beverages (minol) with levels above five percent, it violates the regional regulations that we have issued," he said.
The Regent appreciated the agreement voiced by the leaders of Islamic boarding schools, Islamic organizations, religious leaders, and penghulu throughout Central Bangka who refused the operation of Angel's Wing Resto and Bar.
"This aspiration is of course in line and in line with the existing regional regulations and we will follow up on an agreement regarding the rejection of the presence of Angel's Wing," he said.