4 Natural Ingredients To Replace Mouthwash That Are Sold In The Market

JAKARTA - Mouthwash is a lifesaver after eating food that smells strong or when the mouth feels less fresh. Apart from freshening your breath, mouthwash can also improve oral health, strengthen teeth and gums, prevent plaque build-up, and treat sores in the mouth area.

Actually, there are many mouthwashes on the market, with a variety of different flavors and aromas. However, you can also make it yourself at home with natural ingredients such as the following:


Mix half a spoon of salt and a glass of warm water. Stir well then rinse. Water and salt are considered effective in rinsing the mouth and have similar functions to mouthwash sold in the market.

If you are worried about mouthwash that contains alcohol, making it yourself from water and salt can be a solution. You can use this solution two to three times a day, it can even be used to relieve toothache.

Coconut oil

Yes, coconut oil can also be an alternative mouthwash. Of course, you need pure coconut oil for optimal results. Just one tablespoon then rinse your mouth after brushing your teeth.

Gargling with coconut oil can remove bacteria and make teeth and gums healthier. How coconut oil works can clean the oral cavity and remove all impurities.

Baking soda

Got baking soda in the house? This material can also be used as a mouthwash. You do this by mixing half a spoon of baking soda, salt, and a glass of water. Use it to rinse your mouth before brushing your teeth. The function of gargling with baking soda is to neutralize bad breath.

Aloe vera juice

Another natural ingredient that can be used is aloe vera. So you can make the juice first by mashing the aloe vera meat with water. Once smooth, add half a spoon of baking soda and gargle. This mouthwash can be used three times a day or as needed.