PPPA Minister Ensures Safe Evacuation Sites For Children And Women

JAKARTA - The Minister of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (PPPA) Bintang Puspayoga directly visited the Women and Children Friendly Post (PRPA) in areas affected by landslides in Sumedang Regency, West Java. He made sure that women and children should be able to stay comfortable while in evacuation.

"The PPPA Ministry seeks to collaborate with stakeholders in the regions to build Women and Child Friendly Posts (PRPA), so it is hoped that it can provide a comfortable and safe space for women and children in refugee camps," said PPPA Minister Bintang Puspayoga in a press statement received, Friday, January 22.

A women and child friendly post for landslide IDPs in Sumedang District was established at the SBG Bird Park Refugee Post, Cimanggung District. The post provides complaint services and psychosocial support for women and children as well as specific support in the form of women's empowerment.

She said that support for empowering women, especially women heads of families, must be a concern so that they can continue to live and live with their children.

"According to the data, there are 24 female heads of household. This should be of concern to all of us so that women heads of families, especially those whose husbands have just left their husbands, so that they can continue to live and live with their children. We will be more intense in communicating the steps that need to be taken in assisting women. the head of the family at the refugee camp, "explained Minister Bintang.

During the visit, he also provided assistance in a number of packages to meet the specific needs of women and children. According to him, meeting specific needs is important to ensure the nutritional intake of women, children and the elderly who are affected by the disaster in order to remain in good condition.

Specific needs provided include baby and adult diapers, sanitary napkins, baby porridge, milk, food, additional vitamins, hygiene kits, toiletries, and a number of books and children's games.

As is known, high intensity rain and unstable soil structure caused landslides in Cihanjuang Village, Cimanggung District, Sumedang Regency. Floods and landslides caused a number of residents' houses to be buried, 40 people died, 25 people were injured, and 1,119 people were displaced.