Police Arrest ASN Mamuju Fisheries Service Involved In Fraud Cases
MAMUJU - The Resmob Unit of the Mamuju Police Criminal Investigation Unit, West Sulawesi, arrested a State Civil Apparatus (ASN) in connection with alleged cases of fraud and embezzlement.
Mamuju Police Chief Kombes Iskandar said the ASN who was arrested in connection with the alleged fraud and embezzlement had the initials IR on duty at the Mamuju District Fisheries Service.
"The ASN who were arrested were related to reports of cases of alleged fraud and embezzlement by IR," Iskandar said as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, May 29.
The arrest of the ASN of the Mamuju District Fisheries Service, said the Police Chief, was based on three police reports, namely Number: LP/144/V/2023/Resta Mamuju, regarding the Crime of Fraud and information reports R/Il/83/XII/2022/Reskrim on Fraud and LP/B/53/III/2023 on Embezzlement.
"Based on the report, the Mamuju Police Satreskrim Resmob team then arrested IR's residence in the TPI area," said Iskandar.
Meanwhile, the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Mamuju Police, AKP Jamaluddin, said that the fraudulent mode carried out by the ASN was renting the victim's car and then the rental car was sold to someone else.
"Until now, there have been three police reports and one information report related to the alleged fraud committed by the ASN. The total loss from the victim reached around Rp700," said Jamaluddin.
The ASN, continued the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit, is still under intensive examination at the Mamuju Police.
"For now, IR is temporarily secured in the cell room entrusted by the Mamuju Police Satreskrim and further investigation will be carried out. The alleged article is Article 374 of the Criminal Code concerning Fraud and Embezzlement with a penalty of four years in prison," said Jamaluddin.
The Head of Criminal Investigation Unit appealed to the public who had been victims of fraud from the ASN with the initials IR to immediately report it to the Mamuju Police.
"We urge people who feel they have been victims of IR fraud to immediately report it to the Mamuju Police," said Jamaluddin.